Dumb was born against the tide.


Before we tell you who we are, let us ask you some questions:

Are we really becoming better human with the rapid growth of modern civilization and technology? Is global politics really bringing peace to the world? Are we really able to breath freely with the aggressive trends of materialism and objectivism that are in place everywhere in the whole world? Are the right persons being awarded in the right places in all cases? Is social media really beneficial for the inner peace of the humankind?

If you answer YES to any of these questions, please revisit and sharpen your thoughts. On the other hand, if you answer NO, here we go.

Welcome to our world of Dumb.

For a long period of time, we thought all of these questions seriously and eventually we came to a conclusion that this planet isn’t as smooth as one thinks. There are some serious errors that prevail almost everywhere. Our Global Politics is severely hazardous. Our corporate and business world suck horribly. Oppressive Capitalism and harsh materialism are in place in all places. Religions and beliefs are even worse.

But, what is a great remedy from all of these?

We asked ourselves for a period of time. Unable to find an answer, we eventually thought to philosophize and ridicule the world.

The journey of Dumb philosopher starts here.

Obviously, we designed and created an online store, but still this wasn’t enough for us. Because we thought to create something profound and intriguing. So, here we came:

Dumb isn’t merely a store, it is indeed a social and philosophical movement.


When we think about a store, the idea of goods and services comes in our mind immediately. But we thought something really different than the norm.

How can we philosophize and ridicule the world?

Keeping this main question in our view, we eventually came up with our brand concept Dumb Philosopher where we can sell something while using our philosophical and satirical themes.

And this is what Dumb Philosopher is. We aren’t merely a store; we are more than that. We are a thought. We are a concept of social and philosophical movement. We are a doctrine outside the box.

We aren’t done here.


Of course we have some streamlined objectives.


To philosophize and ridicule the world, we have streamlined our goals. According to our objectives, we have designed two intriguing tools. The first tool is our Store of Thought, a shopping tool which is designed with some thought-provoking galleries where each gallery symbolizes a wide range of philosophical and satirical concepts.

The second tool is Dumb Club, a blogging tool that includes a serious of philosophical and satirical blogs.

We follow our own principles, so nothing matters to us.


Still if you want to know:

Who the hell is Dumb Philosopher?

Once again, Dumb Philosopher is a thinking vessel flowing against the tide. We are neither an institute nor a business entity under the established norms of the society. We never aim to become successful or achieve something in conventional manner. But, since we need to feed our stomaches, we designed our platform little materialistically. But, believe or not we never mean full business here.